Entre áreas, atos e atores: o papel do coordenador pedagógico na construção de uma ética dialógica na escola.




What was aimed at this paper was the possibility of dialogue and reflection on the ethical sense of the role of the Pedagogical supervisor, mediator of the relationship between educators, students and their parents, at the specific experience of Casa Via Magia school, contextualized at the larger historical view of the school in Brazil, which includes, necessarily, the Manifesto of the Pioneers of the New Education (1932), Law 5692, the Escolinha de Arte do Brasil, New LDB, PCNs, the Normal Superior, MEC and the education expenses. This is a report of the history, where we put together the observer and the learners of their own experience, under the influence of a style of an era and a confluence of knowledge (the New School, Art-Education, Psychoanalysis, Constructivism, Social Interactionism, Philosophy of Education). We talk about a road where education is learning to think/ be. We were especially interested at understanding the relational interdependent relationship between the academic advisor, teachers and parents; the positions that this first character has been occupying, sometimes behind the scenes, sometimes at the audience, sometimes on the stage, professional that has recently arrived at high school, and to contribute to other schools and/or educators, socializing different levels of difficulty and crisis, as well as researching and discovering their own process of construction of this educational function.


história educacao planejamento educacional coordenadores educacionais escola casa via magia

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