Encruzilhadas da liberdade : historias e trajetorias de escravos libertos na Bahia, 1870-1910




The aim of the present study is to accompany individual and collective trajectories of slaves and freed persons between the two decades prior to abolition in 1888 and the first twenty years following that eventoThe focus is on the varied ways in which experiences under slavery guided the choices and decisions, indeed the projects, of freed people in the post-emancipation period. To this end, the thesis examines a diversity of sources, from official documents, police correspondence, notaria! registers and probate records, to newspapers, novels, personal memoirs and private papers. It is through the linkage ofthese varied sources - which often makes it possible to follow individuaIs over time - that one mey discem the meanings afro- Brazilians attributed to freedom


libertos (escravos) escravidão - condições dos escravos

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