Elderly in hemodyalisis: adaptative process in face of the treatment repercussion / Idosos em hemodiÃlise: processos adaptativos em face das repercussÃes do tratamento




The increase in the occurrence of chronic kidney disease patients and the consequent need of substitutive renal therapies, mainly in the group of elderly, requires the intervention of health professionals, either in the assisting field or in scientific investigation, as a way to contribute for life maintenance. The present study objectified to evaluate the adaptive processes elaborated by the elderly in face of the repercussions of the treatment with hemodyalisis, as well as to analyze the behavior of insertion of these elderly in the process, the meaningful events for adaption and to understand the adaptive processes elaborated by the elderly. The method used was the clinical-qualitative, which had as instruments for data collection the semi-structured interview for oral thematic history, participant observation/ field and handbook registers. The study setting was composed of two clinics of hemodyalisis of Fortaleza. The population comprised 80 elderly and the sample for 40. The organization of the quantitative data was done by the Program Statistical Package for Science, version 13.0, and the qualitative data were organized according to the Narrative Lines, by Spink, while the data analysis was carried out in the light of the theoretical model, Chronic disease trajectory, which is based on three processes: biographical rupture, treatment impact, disease adaption and management. The ethical procedures required for the research execution were observed. The results showed that, among the elderly, the masculine sex and low school level prevail. More than 50% of the group has an income of a minimum wage; most of them have a feeling of religiosity, maintain an affective matrimonial link and recognize the dependence to the hemodyalisis machine and to the health professionals as preponderant factors to their survival. The three dimensions of the theoretical model were confirmed as the characterization of the phases lived by the elderly as regards the chronic kidney disease. However, it is possible to conclude that there is little use of coping strategies, because they do not indicate healthy internal resources to find new objectives of life. Without these resources, they try an adaption, but most of them are not successful, showing only tolerance and resignation.


envelhecimento enfermagem adaption strategy estratÃgias de adaptaÃÃo eldery idoso saÃde do idoso kidney dyalisis nursing diÃlise renal enfermagem

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