Elaboração e caracterização de filmes a base de gelatina modificada enzimatica e quimicamente




There are numerous applications for gelatin in food products due to its functional properties (as gelling, thickening, stabilizing and foaming agents, colloid protector, emulsifier, beverage clarifier and others), and of the more recent applications, the formation of edible and/or biodegradable films has shown considerable promise, aiming at protecting the food. Studies involving edible and/or biodegradable films arose from the need for altematives to synthetic packaging, which, although presenting excellent mechanical and barrier properties, were almost ali non-biodegradable, and, due to the tremendous volume and variety, were presenting great difficulties with respect to recycling. The vast majority of the studies related to edible and/or biodegradable films currently under development, aim at their production and development, due to the great susceptibility of their properties (mechanical and barrier) under environmental conditions, the property of water vapor barrier being the limiting factor to their use


proteinas - ligações cruzadas biofilme gelatina formaldeido

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