Effects of ageing on cognitive performance / Efeitos do envelhecimento sobre o desempenho cognitivo




This research aims to offer a contribution about human ageing process, trying to show that there are important differences between normal and pathological ageing processes, specially when we focus on cognitive aspects. An epidemiologic-descriptive and transversal method was used, with a sample of 88 participants, with ages equal or superior to 60 years. The participants of this sample were invited to respond a questionnaire containing questions about socio-demographic aspects and level of satisfaction with their lives, together with questions of the Mini-Examination of Mental Condition (MEEM). Data collected showed that 69,3% of participants referred at least one disease or pathological condition; among these, 72,1% reported hypertension, followed by problems of column and arthritis (16,4%), heart diseases (13,1%), diabetes, osteoporosis and problems concerning cholesterol levels (11,5%), and finally arthritis (8,2). On the other hand, 17% of participants referred interruption of daily activities due to disease or organic malfunction, and a clear majority reported a good or very good health condition. Nevertheless, 69,3% referred some degree of memory impairment, this problem being frequent or very frequent for 47,5% of them. 64,8% reported participation in some kind of physical activity (walking, with 61,4%, hydro gymnastic, with 29,8% and yoga, with 15,8%). Analysis of effects of variables showed isolated significant effect of school level over MEEM score (F=12,954, p<0,001), but no significant effect of age (F=1,762, p=0,188). No significant effect of having a daily activity on MEEM scores was detected (One-way ANOVA, F=2,84, p>0,05), the same occurring with the variable level of global satisfaction with their lives (U Mann-Whitney = 512, p>0,05). These data allow the following general conclusions: a) aged people studied in this research have the same profile identified by previous Brazilian surveys; b) these participants are healthy, according to MEEM scores; c) these participants can be classified among successful aged people, characterized by autonomy, independence and active social-communal and economic participation; e d) finally, seniority cannot be necessarily associated to cognitive losses; healthy ageing is not only an organic, biological process, but also a familiar, economic and cultural one. These data adds complexity to the comprehension of ageing process, helping to improve standards concerning recovering and prophylaxis of pathological conditions of ageing


normal and pathological ageing cognitive ageing envelhecimento cognitivo psicologia cognitiva psicologia cognitiva envelhecimento normal e patolÃgico cognitive psychology

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