Effect of additives on feed quality and nutritional value of sugarcane silage. / Qualidade da silagem de cana-de-aÃÃcar elaborada com diferentes aditivos.




The objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of the use of additives on the quality and nutritional value of the sugarcane silage. Sugarcane variety RB-72454, at 18 months of regrowth, was stored for 180 days in experimental concrete silos (500 kg capacity). Treatments were expressed by additives amounts added to sugarcane silage at ensiling (based on green matter weigh), as follows: urea 1.5%; starea 0.5% and corn meal 4%; urea 0.5% and cassava scratch 4%; starea 1.5%; sugar cane only. Five treatments were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with four replicates. Buffering capacity, pH, dry matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, non-fibrous carbohydrates, ammonium nitrogen, neutral detergent fiber nitrogen, ashes, hemicelluloses, cellulose, lignin contents and count of yeasts were evaluated. In vivo digestibility trial, in a randomized complete block design was carried with five sheep with an average weight of 36.5 Kg housed in individual metabolic cages simultaneously to silage unloading. Data from four crop periods constituted the blocks. Voluntary consumption and dry matter digestibility, organic matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, non-fibrous carbohydrates, total carbohydrates contents and total digestible nutrients consumption were evaluated. Major improvements in silage quality were neutral detergent fiber reduction, higher yeast growth inhibition and increased crude protein contents. In general, silage additives increased nutritional values showing higher intake values and a better digestibility of crude protein


nutriÃÃo animal cana-de-aÃÃcar sugar cane quality silagem animal nutrition manejo e conservacao de pastagens qualidade silage

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