Efeitos de estímulos conseqüentes específicos sobre a emergência de leitura recombinativa / Effects of specific consequences upon the emergence of recombinative reading




Recombinative reading is the ability of reading under the control of smaller verbal units. This phenomenon is investigated through the training, in MTS, of dictated and printed words; and tests of reading with new words. The results of these experiments had varied in the literature. The most effective procedures are those in which the smaller units are direct or indirect trained. Experiments in Equivalence have shown that specific outcomes produce relations among reinforcers, samples and choice stimuli. For investigating the effects of specific outcomes over recombinative reading, it was conduced an experiment with three groups of four participants, with ages varying from 20 to 30. The aims of the experiment were verifying if the syllables, of two-syllable words, would be related to the consequences components and the effects of the specific outcomes over the recombinative reading. The training was done between two-syllable dictated words as samples and printed words as choice stimuli. Specific consequences compounded by two stimuli were presented to Groups 1 and 2; each stimulus of the consequence was correspondent to a syllable, which could be an indirect training of smaller units. The consequences were two colors presented in the same place of the choice stimuli for Group 1, and two figures presented on the center of the screen for Group 2. The three groups were tested in auditory-receptive reading and textual behavior. Groups 1 and 2 were also tested in relations between the syllables and the consequences components. The data of each participant was individually analyzed, and comparisons among the results of each group were made through the Mann-Whitney test. Although there has not been occurred statically significant results, the participants of Group 1 were those who have made less mistakes than the other groups in training, auditory-receptive tests and textual behavior tests. The participants of Group 3 have made more mistakes in comparison with the other groups in all phases of the experiment. Two participants of Group 1 and one participant of Group 2 have performed with more than 93% of correct responses in tests between syllables and consequences components. The specific consequences have had little positive effect, or none, over the participants performances in training and recombinativa reading tests. The larger effectiveness of colors, in comparison with the figures in produce relations among the consequences components, samples and choice stimuli, could be connected with its proximity to the syllables, and/or with its higher simplicity and easiness of naming in comparison with the figures. The lack of success of some participants in relating colors or figures to syllables seems to be a consequence of the great amount of relations required by the procedure. Simplifications of the procedure executed with participants with little verbal experience could clarify if the success of some participants in tests with the consequences components were result of its possible reinforcer function or of the ability of the participants in naming stimuli.


reading skills estímulos compostos controle do estímulo habilidade de leitura stimulus control compound stimuli

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