Efeito indireto dos aerossóis: observações em nuvens amazônicas em atmosfera poluída e na transição para limpa segundo os dados dos programas LBA/SMOCC/ENFIM! E AERONET/NASA. / Indirect effect of aerosols: observations in the Amazon clouds in polluted air and clean transition to the second program data LBA / SMOCC / AT LAST! And AERONET / NASA.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In the Brazilian Amazon, fires occur seasonally. The pollution generated because changes in time weather and climate of the Amazon. Studies have shown that the emission of particulate matter alters the radiative balance via direct effect (Solar radiation scattering and reflection.) and indirect aerosol (Increased concentration droplet and the cloud content liquid water which in turn increases albedo.). In this study, we examined the indirect effect of aerosols on Amazon clouds in September rainfall characterized by dry October, beginning of the rainy season, at 2002. In the dry season biomass burning for agricultural activities is promoting a more intense atmosphere more polluted the rainy season. Through remote sensing, information was obtained on the number of outbreaks of burning and aerosol optical depth, and measures in situ in clouds data were raised temperature, atmospheric pressure, concentration hydrometeor liquid and liquid water content. The microphysics of clouds allows understand how aerosols are important for the formation and development thereof. Previous studies have characterized the equation constants setting which gives the number of condensation nuclei activated in Amazon cloud in two regimes of pollution (Highly polluted and transition to clean). This work complements the characterization of the two schemes using the parameters cited and in a range of distribution of droplets. To this goal, there is on the atmosphere the state of Rondonia to the outskirts of the city of Ji Parana as scene study in two seasonal regimes. Data were obtained during the experimental programs NOAA/CPTEC/INPE, AERONET/NASA and LBA/SMOCC/EMfiN!, 2002. The maps prepared with the information obtained from the NOAA-12 revealed that the number of outbreaks of burning accumulated for the month of September 2002 reached one hundred per area 28km28km promoting polluted environment, while in October, the number of outbreaks has not reached fifty. The AERONET program sun photometers installed on UNIR Ji Paraná (RO) showed that the presence aerosol in the atmosphere provided the optical depth mean 1:6 month September and 0:7 in the month of October to the wavelength most sensitive 340nm. Measures with the ALPA platform came to the parameters of shape and scale equal to 5:52 and 1:60mm respectively for polluted and system 4:75 and 1:44mm respectively for the transition regime by adjusting the gamma distribution which provides a more narrow, middle and lower fashion to scheme polluted. The concentration of droplets representative found for the polluted system was 833cm􀀀3, exceeding 417cm􀀀3 of the transitional regime. The contents of due to liquid water droplets in polluted clouds was 0:5g:m􀀀3, great for continental clouds and more then 0:2g:m􀀀3 for transition clouds. Measurements showed that there was an increase in concentration and droplet cloud content liquid water because of the additional particulate matter, in other words, indirect effect aerosols.


efeito indireto de aerossóis microfísica de nuvens nuvens amazônicas fisica cloud microphysics aerosols indirect effect amazon clouds

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