Efeito do desgaste dental causado por bruxismo sobre a distancia interoclusal / Effect of tooth wear caused by bruxism on interocclusal distance




The aim of this study was to investigate changes in interocclusal distance during the pronunciation of /m/ and /s/ sounds in the Portuguese language, in dentate patients presenting dental wear due to bruxism, before and after installation of stabilization appliance and oral rehabilitation. Subjects were divided into 2 groups: G1) composed by 18 dentate patients presenting dental wear due to bruxism, G2) composed by 18 patients who where completely dentate. Subjects from the first group had received the stabilization appliance for bruxism therapy and had the anterior weared teeth reconstructed, by composite resin. The magnetic jaw-tracking device was used to measure the interocclusal distance (mm) during speech of these phonemes. The measurements were carried out 1 week before insertion of interocclusal appliance (T0); immediately before appliance insertion (T1); and after 24 hours (T2), 7 (T3), 30 (T4) and 60 (T5) days; 1 week after oral rehabilitation (T6) and 1 month after oral rehabilitation (T7). Data were collected and submitted to ANOVA two-way. Comparison between groups revealed significant differences (p<0.05) for /m/ sound in all periods of evaluation: T0 (6.99±1.85); T1 (6.81±1.84); T2 (6.71±1.79); T3 (6.71±2.01); T4 (6.89±2.37); T5 (6.79±2.17); T6 (6.62±2.00) and T7 (6.82±2.03). No statistical difference was observed for the /s/ phoneme. The comparison between before and after interocclusal appliance insertion and oral rehabilitation showed no significant differences for both sounds. Results showed that subjects with dental wear due to bruxism treated with interocclusal appliance therapy and oral rehabilitation had changes in the interocclusal distance of speech during phonation of /m/ sound


bruxism bruxismo phonetics fonetica

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