Efeito do Butirato de sódio sobre o déficit de memória induzido pela sobrecarga neonatal com ferro


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Iron accumulation in the brain has been associated to the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders. We have previously demonstrated that iron overload in the neonatal period results in severe and persistent memory deficits in adult rats. Here, using the animal model of cognitive impairment induced by iron overload we tested the effects of NaBut in ameliorating memory. Rats received vehicle or 10.0 mg/kg Fe+2 orally at postnatal days 12-14. When animals reached the age of 2 months, they received an acute intraperitoneal injection of vehicle or NaBut (1.2 g/kg) immediately after the training session in either novel object recognition or inhibitory avoidance tasks. Retention test sessions were performed 24 hours after training. Animals that received iron in the neonatal period showed severe memory deficits. A single acute injection of NaBut was able to recover memory deficits in iron-treated rats. The results provide evidence that NaBut may be considered for the treatment of cognitive decline associated with neurodegenerative disorders.


biologia molecular biologia celular memÓria ferro doenÇas neurodegenerativas biologia geral

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