Efeito de duas formulaÃÃes de pilocarpina, soluÃÃo para bochecho e sublingual, no tratamento da Xerostomia induzida por radiaÃÃo / Effect of two formulations of pilocarpine, mouthwashing and sublingual solutions, for the treatment of radiation induced xerostomia


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




A prospective and double-blind study was conducted to verify the effects of the use of pilocarpine in the treatment of xerostomy induced by irradiation in oncologic patients, testing two administration routes: sublingual and mouthful. The volunteers were randomly allocated in two groups: a group for use of mouthfuls and a group for use of sublingual solutions. Each group was subdivided, totaling four samples of results: two for sublingual solutions (placebo and pilocarpine) and two for mouthfuls (placebo and pilocarpine). The solutions were formulated in the same pilocarpine concentration to 4% and administered in the total dose of 15 mg a day, for three weeks. The total group was formed by forty (40) volunteers, of both sex, treated with head and neck radiation in CRIO (Oncologic Integrated Regional Center) .The final distribuition was ten (10) patients in each subgroup. There was not restriction to age or etnic group.The volunteers who had the salivary flow less or equal to 1mL/min were selected to the study. The sialometry was measured weekly and whrote down in an appropriated formulary (CRF). The was not quantitative increase of the salivary flow or significant statistic difference between the two tested solutions. Therefore the pilocarpine solution 4% administrated sublingual or mouthful, did not increase the salivary flow in patients with xerostomy induced by radiation


pilocarpina xerostomia radioterapia sialometria neoplasias de cabeÃa e pescoÃo glÃndulas salivares ensaio clÃnico pilocarpine xerostomia cancerologia sialometry radiotherapy head and neck neoplasms salivary glands clinical trial

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