Efeito da radiação gama em propriedades da farinha de banana verde / Effect of gamma radiation in properties of green banana flour


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Banana starch has been researched in the area of nutrition from the introduction of the Resistant Starch concept (RS). The starch of Musa AAA-Nanicão and Musa AAB-Terra had been already characterized in relation to their physiological responses. Green banana possesses important amount of resistant starch. The main interest in relation to the resistant starch is its physiological role. As it is not digested in the small intestine, this type of starch becomes available as substratum for fermentation of anaerobic bacteria of the colon. In this way, this fraction shares many of the characteristics and benefits attributed to the alimentary fiber in the gastrointestinal tract. The process of irradiation using gamma radiation can cause a variety of modifications in macro-molecules, some of them of industrial application, as it is the case of modifying viscosity and alteration of texture. In the present work, flour of green banana from two distinct origins (FBV1 and FBV2), had been used to study the radiation sensitivity by means of measurement of viscosity, texture, colorimetry and pH. The flour samples of green banana had been irradiated with gamma rays with doses from 0 to 10 kGy, dose rate around 2kGy/h. Green banana flour solutions appeared as no-Newtonian fluids. The irradiation did not significantly modified pH values of green banana flour hydrogels named FBV1 and FBV2. Viscosity in general diminished with the applied radiation dose. In connection to texture analysis the maximum rupture force of the FBV hydrogels decreased with the increase of the radiation dose; FBV2 irradiated at 3 kGy presented exceptionally increased rupture force.


banana verde gama gamma green banana radiação radiation

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