Efeito da adrenalectomia na evolução da doença de Chagas experimental em ratos wistar machos infectados com cepa Y de Trypanosoma cruzi




Glucocorticoids are therapeutic agents widely used for auto-immune diseases. The number of papers concerning to the actions of glucocorticoids are still not well stabilished. The aim of this work is to evaluate the interactions between adrenal glucocorticoids and its effects on the development of experimental chagasic infection in male Wistar rats infected with 1x105 blood stage tripomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi Y strain. Experiments were prformed in groups of animals as follow: Infected and non-infected control (IC and NIC), Infected and non-infected sham operated animals (ISH and NISH), Infected and non-infected adrenalectomized (IADX and NIADX) and Infected and non-infected adrenalectomized with dexametasone reposition (IA+D and NIA+D). The parameters used for assessment were: adrenalectomy, parasitemia, hemogram, NO quantification and histopathological obdervations of heart, thymus, spleen and liver. The peak of parasitemia occured on the 9th. day after infection. The hemogram did not show significant alterations for both erythrocytic and leucocitary series. A slight tendency in displaying policitemia was found in adrenalectomized with dexametasone repositions groups. Nitric Oxide was a major factor in controlling intracellular pathogens. The results revealed that adrenalectomy did not change significantly alter NO production, even in adrenalectomized animals with dexametasone reposition. The latter group showed the most significant low level of parasitemia as well as the highest level of NO production. Histopathological observations did not show any important alterations. Amastigote burdens were found only among heart fibers. The cariometric evaluation showed some alterations, mainly in adrenalectomized group with dexametosone reposition where hypertrofic and more eliptoid nucleus were observed. The adrenalectomy or dexametasone reposition did not change the immune response to T.cruzi. The resistant Wister rat strain used in this work contributed to attenuate the level of parasitemia


oxido nitrico trypanosoma cruzi histopatologia

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