Education and photograph contributions to the perception of ambient problems / Educação e fotografia contribuições à percepção de problemas ambientais




This research aims to contribute to the production of knowledge on educational processes directed to the understanding of the social-enviroment problems and increase the performance of natural systems protection and improvement of life quality.The study is on the ambient degradation and the youth alienation in relation to the conditions of its environments - from subjective and corporal to around and global. Based on multireference and complexity, this study intends to avail the possible relations between the environment issue and what would be the possibilities of educational processes to collaborate on the overcoming of these questions. To do so, an educational intervention was carried through, in a quarter of Piracicaba periphery aiming at the stimulation to the performance of young in its environment. The teaching of "pin-hole" photograph, on a creative and operative way, was used on interventions to stimulate the perception of environment problems. It turned in to an efficient technique to increase of self-esteem and the care and protection of the environment.


fotografia educação ambiental environmental education photograph qualidade de vida proteção ambiental environment protection life quality

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