Educação inclusiva é para todos? a (falta de) formação docente para altas habilidades/superdotação no Brasil / Is Inclusive Education for everybody? The (lack of) teaching formation to High Abilities/Highygifted in Brazil




This study aimed at the analysis of some aspects related to the teaching formation on Special Education, High Abilities and to the Highlygifted, that make up the necessary and desirable competences to meet the universe of Inclusive Education. The research was characterized by the case study, where academic pedagogic procedures were analyzed related to the formation of professionals on a Post-Graduation Lato Sensu level, from 1999 to 2002, at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Being the study of a case it would not permit any generalizations; however, this research favors a critical view on the course accomplishment, raising the relevant aspect which justifies its validation of future and similar initiatives. The Thesis shows the urgent necessity of creating courses on professional formation, which should exist in an adequate and continuous form on post graduation level, as a guarantee of impelling the teaching formation in high school and/or college level. As a consequence, this would enlarge the present low concern with students possessing high abilities or highlygifted in our country. This study also presents exploratory research characteristics, as a result of the lack of studies related to courses on this area in Brasil. Thus, it was necessary an investigation through mixed questionnaires to reveal the existent reality in students and teachers speeches, considered as subjects in this research. At first a bibliographic review was accomplished about the concept of High Abilities/Highlygifted found in the specialized literature, as well as the concepts of Talent, Precocity and Geniality, the processes of Surveying, Identifying, Enriching Programs and the alternative possibilities of catering in the Brazilian model: Common Classes, Resource Rooms, Itinerant Catering, Acceleration/Advance and Psychological Support. This study also tried to identify through the specialized literature the concepts of competence and learning, establishing a close theoric methodological relation, based on the analysis of legal documents, directives and training capacity programs, which form the substractum to the social inclusion proposal in the Brazilian educational context. Together with the main investigation, informations were researched on the post-graduation courses about the theme in Brazil, as well as on their support in States, Federal District and Capitals in this country. These researches were made by Internet as well as by direct contact to establish a parallel with the professional field, through the existence of public policies related to High Abilities/Highlygifted. The conclusions enhanced the precarious effective actions existing in the governmental range a well as in universities and schools. The few identified initiatives did not establish a relationship among themselves and stay isolates, delaying the achievement of better working condition for educators, allowing the continuity of some previous practices, as they consolidate comings and goings postures. Therefore there is little advance towards the proper necessary and adequate treatment to the student possessing High Abilities or Highlygifted.


educação especial educação inclusiva inclusive education educacao especial formação de professores special education superdotados genious

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