Educação e civilização no sertão: práticas de constituição do modelo escolar no triângulo mineiro (1906-1920)




This research analyzes the process of constitution of the school model in Minas Gerais generated by the educational reform of 1906. It focuses the so called Triangulo Mineiro, seeking for taking the fights of representation and the actions of the subjects at schools at a dialogue with other agents and social institutions involved on the movement of the production of the school model from 1906 to 1920. At the process of the republican civilizator project, the constitution of the school model becomes a strategy of state intervention to civilize the popular classes and the hinterland regions of the state, like the Minas Triangle, represented as an antithesis of the wished modernity and target of government actions to conquer the retrograde and rude spaces to synchronize the different civilizatory rhythms. Having the Sao Paulo school model as a reference, which was based on the modern pedagogy principles, the reformers from Minas Gerais mobilized a group of mechanisms with the intention to implement new educational and social practices: the Model Normal School, the Scholar Group, the Teaching Technical Inspection and the Intuitive Method. We have observed that the reformers from Minas Gerais were based on Sao Paulo experience but they accomplished an acclimatization of the pedagogical models according to the representation they made of their own reality ad of the possibilities of efficiency of this model. The analysis also made evident that the process of constitution of the school model at the Minas Triangle did not occur on a peaceful way it was marked by tensions, conflicts and resistance of the different subjects according to their individual expectations and/or the groups they belonged to. The incursion on the empirical corpus was held on a way to apprehend the fights of representations. In a way, we have analyzed the voices of the official implementation of the school model by examining mainly the reports of inspection, direction of the scholar groups and the secretary of interior. On the other hand, we have looked for the apprehension of the voices of resistance, the contradictions, the dissensions by examining mailing, newspaper articles, schools report cards. In order to accomplish this, we have been into the field of Cultural History of school, which marks new criteria of treatment of files and tries to rehistoricize school, un-naturalize it as an object of investigation, conceiving it as a result of practices


hinterlands educacao -- minas gerais, mg -- historia civilization primary school educacao scholar model modelo escolar triangulo mineiro/alto paranaiba (mg : mesorregiao) escola primária sertão triangulo mineiro civilização

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