Eça de Queirósworks: Spanish reading / A obra de Eça de Queirós: leituras espanholas




The starting point for the present essay is Guerra da Cal, Língua e Estilo de Eça de Queirós, a complet reading of Eça de Queirós stylistics, in which there are various references to the influence the Portuguese author in the Spanish "Modernismo". Following such point of view, this study focusses on a series of articles published between 1883 and 1903.Thus, we analyse here the "pros" and "cons" of the reception of Eça de Queirósoeuvre in Spain, including the reactions of the "Generación del 98" and an overview of the translations of the Portuguese novelist into Spanish between the years 1882 to 1915.


eça de queirós leitura"versus" e leitura "com" da obra queirosiana em castelhano recepção na espanha the "pros" and "cons" of the reception of eça de queirós worksin spain translations in spain traduções castelhanas the reception in spain eça de queirós

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