E o logos se faz vada: possíveis diálogos com o evangelho sânscrito de João




The present paper raises some questions about textual interpretation regarding a hypothetical Sanskrit reader. This interpretation is based on reading a Sanskrit translation of the Gospel of John, by comparing the Greek and Sanskrit versions to the Gospel of John, being the latter translated from the former Bearing in mind that the resulting translation can oscillate between the tendency of giving focus to text alterity (foreignization) or, diametrically opposed, to the pursuit of fluency (domestication), we have examined samples from these two possibilities, viz., foreignization and domestication. Finally, as far as possibilities of re-signification of the Sanskrit text are concerned, which aimed at an implied reader, our assumptions took into account the notion of fusion of horizons, an element which belongs to the interpretative phenomena studied by Hans Georg Gadamer.


literatura teses.

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