Dramatisation and multiplicity in Gilles Deleuze / Dramatização e multiplicidade em Gilles Deleuze




This work comprehends the dramatisation and multiplicity in Gilles Deleuzes philosophy. To be a matter of subversion of metaphysical classic questions that justifies the essence and ideas. A distribution of differences determines the actualization of ideas. The dramatisations method involves differentiations process. Internal differences related to block of space-time create conditions to the concepts. An intensive and differential camp of powers provokes the emergence of a special virtual theatre and an expres siveness of ideas. The reality is not given but dramatised by non-individual powers and larval subjectivity. The dramatisation method is on this side of knowledge and even all cons olidation that philosophy win with concepts. The dramatisation answer by own constitution of philosophy and its characters. Dramatisation is related with notions of tragic by Nietzsche and Hölderlin, multiplicity, vice-diction by Leibniz, individuation by Simondon, and virtual by Bergson.


idéia filosofia idea imagem (filosofia) virtual drama virtual idéia (filosofia) drama individuation individuação image deleuze, gilles, 1925-1995 multiplicity multiplicidade imagem

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