Doses de fertilizantes e comportamento de cultivares de trigo (Triticum spp.) na regiÃo do brasil central. / Levels of fertilizers and conduct of wheat (Triticum spp) cultivars in the Brazil Central Region.




The tillage of wheat on brazilianÂs cerrado has been reaching yield amounts above the national mean. However, there is not enough information about nutriment requires of new cultivars nowadays indicated for tillage. The objective of this work was to study the conduct of wheat (Triticum spp) cultivars indicated for tillage in the state of Minas Gerais, under different levels of planting fertilization, aiming to found the best relationship of manure consumption / yield obtained and the best relationship of manure spent / rent income. The assay was realized, under regime of irrigation, in a field plot of the Cooperativa Mista dos Agricultores do Alto ParanaÃba (COOPADAP), municipal district of SÃo Gotardo - MG, in randomized blocks design and 5 x 5 factorial arrangement, with four replicates. Five cultivars (BRS 207, IAC 289, IVI 931009, 98222 and Ãgata) and five levels of fertilization (0%, 50%, 100%, 150% and 200% of the recommended level) were evaluated. The results obtained let to conclude that only the yield were affected by the different levels of fertilization, and it had been increased not in a proportional way according to the crescent levels of fertilization; the absence of fertilization promoted the best relationship of manure consumption / yield obtained and the best relationship of manure spent / rent income; due to its genotype, Ãgata cultivar presented superior in well formed grains per ear ratio, average weight of thousand grains, hectoliter weight and yield; all cultivars evaluated presented as good options for irrigated tillage of wheat in the Brazil Central Region, with yields of 1,6 to 1,9 turns above the national mean, and lodging resistance.


fitotecnia fertilizer wheat quality trigo fertilizante variedade

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