Do squiggle da consulta terapêutica ao desenho coletivo na intervenção institucional / From squiggle that of the therapeutic consultation to the collective drawing in the institutional intervention




The collective drawing is used as the institutional interventions mediating object, in a similar way as the squiggle game of the therapeutic consultations; the drawing produced by the group facilitates communication among the members, improves free verbal and graphic associations, shows common and shared phantoms, desires and fears; informs about the individual and institutional aspects in the discourse association and in the pictographic production. The guiding hypothesis is that the collective drawing when used in a context of institutional intervention, whereas of diagnosis or treatment, it is a mediating object of the dialog in the group. Because of the access to the representation and projection of unconscious contents, the drawing expresses repressed contents, apparently unknown. We show a historical record of the drawing like the language in the beginnings of humanity, its used and thinking from Medicine, Pedagogy and Psychology. Initially Psychoanalysis valued it to know the childs psyche, after it considered a substitute of the free association. Freud doesnt deeper on the drawing as a therapeutic resource, but He shows how to use the psychoanalytic method with the image. As in a similar way like in a dream, Freud analyses what comes again, condenses and dislocates in the pictographic image. The first drawing produced in a bind context is describe in Analysis of a phobia of a child under 5 years, when, as in the same way like Winnicott does in the squiggle game, Hans the young patient- introduces a trace to complete the idea he wants to transmit in relation to the size of the giraffes penis. In children psychoanalysis, Winnicott and Dolto show paths to use the drawing in the therapeutic process. In binding contexts, few authors utilize the drawing in the group like a mediating resource of the dialog and the psychoanalytic work. We show theoretical contributions for group and institutional psychoanalysis from authors like J. Bleger, E. Pichon Rivière, D. Anzieu and René Kaës. We identify that the complaint is figured in the drawing, the novel; we detect the emerging of traces, forms that enounce and denounce aspects to be underline, worked and elaborated by the group in the first encounter. One of the groups shown was an institution that experienced different complaints, among them the divided team, in the encounter while they draw it emerges a bridge that joins with a big trunk what was separated: the institutions technical team, by one side and a group of children and their care takers by the other. Another case describes an intervention in a companys maintenance team, that draws a football field with a skull in the middle of it, symbolizing the danger of death; the dialog with the members remits to the fear of being dismissed. The collective drawings permit that the psychologist lead and address in an easy way, silenced aspects by the pointing of despair, strange and repetitive aspects.


squiggle game therapeutic consultation objeto mediador desenho coletivo mediating object group psychoanalysis collective drawing consulta terapêutica associação livre grupal group free association psicanálise de grupo

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