Avaliação institucional do processo construído à vivência do SINAES: a consolidação do "sujeito coletivo institucional" / Institutional evaluation from the constructed process to the SINAES experience: the consolidation of the "institutional collective subject"




This investigation, whose genesis arose from an intentional research-action planned within the context of Brazilian Higher Education Evaluation, aims at suggesting alternatives for differential practices in exercising the processes of Institutional Evaluation. This study, conducted within the universe of Cruzeiro do Sul University, a private institution of Higher Education in São Paulo city, reexamined the theoretical discourse and the practice historically institutionalized along the implementation of the self-evaluation processes and pointed out evidences to other possibilities of thinking and acting within this knowledge area. Even being aware of the limits partial experiences face in relation to a crystallized culture in the evaluation area, this study insists on the importance of putting aside the same way of doing things, the repetition of bureaucratic and alienated actions which are implicit in the majority of the evaluation processes and, at the same time, it proposes critical and innovative practices. For doing so, it was indispensable the exercise of participation and the collective construction of the knowledge through proposals which had meaning and significance for the involved people, making them subject of the processes in which they took part. The evaluation process should have elements able to revealing what is essential in the relations among the subjects and their professional identities in the environment in which it is revealed. In the collaborative practice, the subjects, in this thesis nominated as institutional collective subjects, have built up their own knowledge and have opened up ways to deal with the effects of power which permeates the policies which direct the Higher Education Evaluation. Building up specific knowledge, based on an own methodology, made us able to identify in public policies, in this case the implementation of the National System of Higher Education Evaluation SINAES, some possibilities to consolidate a different proposal in selfevaluation process. The results of the experience justified the usage of the institutional evaluation space as a way for the acting of the subjects, promoting actions of consolidation and visibility of the institutional quality


sistema nacional de avaliacao da educacao superior (brasil) educação superior brasileira institutional evaluation avaliação institucional institutional collective subject sujeito coletivo institucional ensino superior -- brasil brazilian higher education sinaes institutional quality educacao universidade cruzeiro do sul -- avaliacao qualidade institucional

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