Do que se confia as letras : a ciencia gramatical nas etimologias de Isidoro de Sevilha / On what we entrust letters : grammatical science in the Etymologies by Isidore of Seville




It is not always usual to find careful approaches on the grammatical discourse produced in Late Antiquity. Isidore of Seville?s Etymologies that have circulated through the later centuries have been a favorite target to some considerations from the ?pure and simple? contempt to the laughable. However, the language reflections from those centuries ? ?ending Antiquity? ? have their own reason of existence, as they establish different relations with language itself. In order to tell another story about the ancient grammatical discourse and one of its basic interpretative tools, the etymology, we chose to narrate, in general lines, the course of language approaches that has begun with the Greek and Roman until Isidore of Seville?s work, emphasizing the tensions between breaks and continuities within those debates, covering a period in which we may witness the emergency of Christian discourse. In order to describe and interpret which are the regularities of that Isidorian?s grammatical, etymological and Christian discourse, we found it necessary to translate the first book of the Etymologies where the key definitions relating to Grammar and Etymology are found


etymology grammatical discourse discurso gramatical etimologia - historia

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