Do mangue para o mundo : o local e o global na produção e recepção da musica popular brasileira




The present study analyses local and global communication networks in contemporary world and their impact on the urban cultural dynamics in peripheral contexts, by means of a specific case study: the manguebeat movement or mangue scene, from Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. The study takes as its starting point the hypothesis that processes of cultural globalization result in heterogeneous effects in different local contexts and are experienced accordingly. Just as much as they constantly have homogenizing effects over local cultures, globalized flows can also result in resistance processes or creative re-appropriation of elements from intemational-popular culture, leading to an increase in value, and the renewal or re-signification of local cultures, in this case, the traditional cultures from Pemambuco. Discussion ofthe subject includes a description of the mangue movement and some elements of its development, contextualizing it with regard to popular contemporary music and the phonographic industry, both at local and globallevels. Moreover, controversies about popular local culture are discussed with reference to three aspects: the contrast between the mangue and armorial movements, means of material and symbolic support, and popular initiatives in social and cultural development. Some of the theoretica1 issues involved are referred to the concepts of global culture, post-modernity, modernity and tradition, hybridization, and cultural industry


musica popular globalização cultura popular pos-modernismo industria cultural

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