Diversity of endophytic diazotrophic bacteria of red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) and evalution of the biotechnological potential. / Diversidade de bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas de mangue vermelho (Rhizophora mangle) e avaliação do potencial biotecnológico.




Mangroves are considered a coastal ecosystem, located in the transition between the terrestrial and marine environments. This environment is typical of tropical and subtropical regions and is found throughout the world, mainly in Brazil, Indonesia and Australia. The occurrence of a large amount of organic matter enhances the fact that microorganisms are important in the cycling of nutrients in these environments. Endophytic microorganisms can be extremely relevant to the plant existing in mangrove swamps, because live in the interior of these, in its entire life cycle or only part of it, not harm him or cause any apparent damage to it. The endophytic can give to your host important characteristics such as greater resistance to conditions of stress, supply of nutrients and other components of biotechnological interest (such as enzymes, antibiotics and drugs of pharmaceutical interest). This paper therefore finds the diversity of endophytic diazotrophic bacteria exist in red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) of Ilha do Cardoso (Cananéia - SP) and study the functional biodiversity of the main groups and potential biotechnology.


mangrove ecosystems biotechnology diazotrophic bacteria red mangrove rhizophora mangle manguezal bactérias diazotróficas biotecnologia microrganismos endofíticos endophytic microorganism mangrove rhizophora mangle mangue vermelho ecossistemas de mangue

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