Diversity of Chitinolytic bacteria isolated from seawater and plankton samples collected at São Paulo Coast, Brazil. / Diversidade de bactérias quitinolíticas isoladas em amostras de água do mar e plâncton coletadas na região costeira do estado de São Paulo.




Chitinolytic bacteria are autochthonous in marine ecosystems and have an important role in chitin degradation process. A very little is know about the diversity and enzymatic potential of chitinolytic bacteria isolated from coastal tropical environments. Seawater and plankton samples were collected at Canal de São Sebastião, Baixada Santista and Ubatuba. Chitinolytic bacteria were counted and isolated in minimal media containing colloidal chitin and characterized using phenotypic and genotypic methods. Highest counts of chitinolytic bacteria were observed in seawater and plankton samples collected at Baixada Santista. The diversity of chitinolytic bacteria and the potential of chitinases production were influenced by the level of fecal contamination present in the marine ecosystem. Highest diversity was found in environment with medium and low anthropogenic impact, but chitinolytic bacteria isolated from environment with high anthropogenic influences showed highest chitinases production.


marine ecosystem chitinase seawater bactérias quitinolíticas ecossistema marinho ecossistemas de água salgada plankton biotechnology chitinolytic bacteria plâncton saltwater ecosystems Água do mar biotecnologia quitinase

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