Distúrbio específico de linguagem: relações entre memória de trabalho e vocabulário receptivo / Specific language impairment: relations between working memory and receptive vocabulary


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The Specific Language Impairment (SLI) is a disorder that affects the language development and cant be attributed to lag sensory, motor, intellectual and pervasive developmental disorder, social deprivation or evident brain lesion. Studies show that the performance of SLI children is lower than their normal peers in Working Memory (WM) tests and relate this discrepancy to the linguistic difficulties of these subjects. There is consensus that phonological working memory (PWM) is critical to language development, but there are disagreements about the role of visual working memory (VWM). So this study aimed to compare the performance of children with SLI and typical language development (TLD) in WM tests and receptive vocabulary, to compare the performance in Phonological Working Memory Test (PWMT) and Pictorial Memory Test (PMT) checking whether there are differences depending on the material being presented through auditory or visual, still, to correlate the performance of children with SLI on receptive vocabulary tests and WM tests. The study included 42 children, 14 of them with SLI and 28 with TLD, paired with chronological age, were applied two tests that assessed working memory (PWMT and PMT) and a receptive vocabulary test (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test - PPVT-III). For statistical analysis were used t of Student test for comparison between groups and Pearson Correlation to correlate the results between tests. The results showed that children with SLI perform below their peers in relation to normal in both WM tests, mainly on the PWMT, there was correlation between all tests. Thus it is concluded that children with SLI present deficits in PWM and VWM, the latter in a smaller proportion. The higher is the gap in their memory skills, the higher is the gap in the vocabulary of these children. Both children with SLI, as with TLD showed a worse performance when the stimulus was presented auditory compared to that presented by visual means.


receptive vocabulary specific language impairment testes de linguagem vocabulário receptivo working memory memória de trabalho distúrbio específico de linguagem language tests

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