Distribuição dos polimorfismos dos genes do receptor de androgenos e da 5-alfa Redutase tipo II relacionados ao cancer de prostata em uma amostra da população masculina do estado de São Paulo




There is evidence to support the hypothesis of hormonal etiology of prostate cancer involving androgen action. Testosterone is synthesized from cholesterol by a series of reactions involving cytochrome P450 enzymes and is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a more potent androgen, by 5a-reductase type 2 (SRD5A2) in many androgen-dependent target tissues. DHT binds to androgen receptor (AR), and the DHT-AR complex transactivates a number of genes with AR-responsive elements. The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of polymorphisms for the AR (CAG, S1/S2, GGN), and SRD5A2 (Ala49Thr, Val89Leu) genes that are considered of relevance for prostate cancer risk, among 200 individuais from two cities of the Sao Paulo state, and in 92 prostate cancer patients by PCR, PCRRFLP and ASOH techniques. Our data shows that the allelic frequencies of these markers are very similar to those described in North American and European populations. Thus, the prostate cancer genetic risk factors that are considered of relevance in most populations can also be taken into account in Brazilian urban populations, where significant contributions from European and African gene pools can be found. Concerning the prostate cancer patients, our results suggest that the number of GGN repeats seems to be the most reliable marker for prostate cancer risk


polimorfismo (genetica) acido desoxirribonucleico

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