DistribuiÃÃo espaÃo-temporal e taxonomia da famÃlia Oncholaimidae (Nematoda, Enoplida) no Talude da Bacia de Campos, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil




Nematoda represent about 80 to 99% of the total abundance of metazoan in deep sea, however, little research is carried out in this environment. The aim of this work is identify the specimens of the Family Oncholaimidae to the specific level, describe the new species and theirs distribution in a platform of the South West Atlantic. The samplings were performed at the Campos Basin, Rio de Janeiro, in two Campaigns, the first in November - December 2002 and the second in June - July 2003 in both situations occurred in two areas (North and South) and at the depth of 750, 1050, 1650, 1650 and 1950 meters. The vertical was analyzed using two sediment layers (0-2cm and 2-5cm). Oncholaimidae was composed by four Genera (Meyersia, Oncholaimellus, Oncholaimus and Viscosia), two valid and three new species. These species had a discontinuous horizontal distribution and the intra-annual variation showed a elevated abundance in the second Campaigns. Vertically, the Family was present only in the upper sediment layer, a fact that can be correlated with the trophic level of the taxon (predators), and availability of food in the upper layer, promoting and attracting animals of the lower trophic levels (detritivore). The horizontal distribution and intra-annual variation of Oncholaimidae may be related to a mosaic pattern of distribution of the group, which depends on the temporary intake of nutrients in the sediment and the lack of continuous turbulence at the bottom sediment. Another explanation is related to the variation of the instruments used on the sampling and the side effects involved, as the Bow-wave and rim effect


campos basin taxonomia oncholaimidae deep sea taxonomy mar profundo nematode bacia de campos nematoda oncholaimidae taxonomia dos grupos recentes

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