Displasia broncopulmonar: incidência e fatores de risco neonatais para recém-nascidos prematuros de muito baixo peso nascidos em hospital universitários de Maceió-2009. / Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: incidence and neonatal risk factors in very low weight premature newborrn in universitary hospitals of Maceió-2009.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Objectives: To determine the incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in the period of one year (from March 2009 to February 2010) and analyze the associated neonatal risk factors to the development of the disease in Public Services in two references of high risk newborn in Maceió, the Hospital Universitário Alberto Antunes and the Maternidade Escola Santa Mônica. Methods: All very low birth weight preterm infants who were admitted in the both institutions were recorded during one year. The diagnosis was established in those preterm infants who needed oxygen at 28 days of life. The incidence was calculated by dividing the number of cases by the total number of preterm births in both hospitals during the study period. The associated variables were analysed with the Chi-square test and the T test of Student or Mann-Whitney. Logistic regression analysis was performed to predict the value of those variables. Results: 244 RNMBP were admitted in both institutions. The incidence was 22.1%. 54 evolved with bronchopulmonary dysplasia and 94 without. There were differences regarding the average weight of the groups (1050g with and 1275g without dysplasia)) and also as to the gestational age (30 weeks with BPD and 32 weeks without the disease). 94% of the prematures with and 45,8% without the disease made use of mechanical ventilation, with p<0,01. There were association with surfactant in the group with bronchopulmonay dysplasia (98% with and 71,7% without displasia, com p<0,01). The logistic regression model was predictive in 70% of mechanical ventilation at birth (RR=2,04 IC 95% 1,62-2,55) and weight lower than 1000g (RR=1,89 IC 95% 1,19-3,00).Conclusions: The incidence of DBP was similar to the literature. There were association with low weight in born, with low gestational age, use of surfactant and mechanical ventilation. Mechanical ventilation and weight lower than 1000g were predictive for the disease.


displasia broncopulmonar/epidemiologia recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso prematuro morbidade oxigênio fatores de risco pediatria bronchopulmonar dysplasia/epidemiology infant, very low birth weight morbidity risk factors.

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