Discursividades contemporaneas sobre politica : o discurso sobre a mutação da politica / Contemporary discourses on politics : the discourse of mutation of politics




This thesis deals with different angles brought to the theme of transformation of politics in the contemporary world, analyzing a relatively wide range of texts from media to theoretical discourse. The selected texts support a common opinion that politics is developing into something else and getting different meanings. Our analysis focus on discourse circulation, more specifically on circulation of terms whose the main role is to comprise a variety of formulations concerning the thesis of "decline" or "end" of politics. In Bakhtin s terms, it means that the heterogeneous discourse of mutation in politics, which is represented as formulation of doxa, it has previously occupied those expressions. One of the purposes of this study is to support the hypothesis that these signifiers constitute linguistic and discursive units, i.e. formulas. Such terms share some of the main general linguistic and discursive characteristics of formula, basically a standard and short form, independent from a text, which summarizes a discourse. The theory of formulas developed by Krieg-Planque (2003, 2009) provides the theoretical background of the study of the nature of formula. In addition to this conceptual discussion of formulas, we also analyze the way these forms are integrated in the surface of journalistic and academic texts that specifically criticize the essentialist view of politics. We examined different linguistic forms based on Bakthin s and Auhtier-Revuz s studies on discourse representation and on the concept of "enunciation aphorisante " formulated by Maingueneau.


linguistica discourse circulation linguistics analise do discurso discurso relatado formula (linguistica) discourse analysis formula (linguistics)

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