A autoridade conselheira e o discurso contemporâneo sobre a crise da/na família. / Adviser authority and the contemporary discourse about family crisis.




This work is about the about the contemporary family authority cisis discoursive production, taking as a source of analysis the self-help literature which discusses this subject.The books selected are, among others, "Pais brilhantes, filhos fascinantes" (Bright parents, fascinating children), by Augusto Cury and "Quem ama educa" (The one who loves educates), by Içami Tiba, found in electronic sites, in April 2006, as the "top ten best sellers". The objective is to understand how the discourse about authority crisis in the family is organized, in what it is based to produce power effects, the diagnosis produced and the precepts, explained by the authors, for the construction of a good family. The discourse here is understood according to Foucault, relating it to truth policies added to some kinds of knowledges and particular sociopolitical and economical existence conditions, that is to say, as a game of power that produces what is true and what is false and that has as effects of power the production of realities and subjects. The conclusion is that the discourse about the authority crisis works as an instability generator and dislocates family authority to a diffuse, specialized and adviser authority, which is based on scientific and pseudioscientific knowledges, as the ones by psycotherapy and psychiatry, properly popularized. In this process of discourse production about the family that lives a crisis and is unable to educate its own children, an emptiness of authority is established, in which new technologies of normalization and education are subscribed: emotional education, through technical knowlede and power prescriptions which would give back to fathers and mothers the lost authority, and would produce, as an effect, responsible, successful and happy subjects. Hypotetically, this contemporaneous way of subjects production is part of a dislocation process of the disciplinar society to the control society, through the articulation of power and control techniques that match the racional control of emotions whith the reinforcement of the individual construction turned to an intimate and private life.


disciplina da emoção family auto-ajuda authority crise crisis self-help autoridade discipline of emotion família

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