Dinâmica urbana na cidade de São Paulo: o desafio do desenho das soluções acústicas / Urban dynamics in São Paulo city: the challenge of the design of acoustic solutions




This research is concerned with the interaction between noise sources of traffic propagated and influence of the urban aspect for the constitution of a sonorous environment. In the methodology suggested a study based on using a case study as experimental field in the urban city area of municipal district of São Paulo. During observation the studied area related to the acoustic, was identify that the traffic of vehicles consists of the main source of local noise. On the other hand, the buildings and walls of some internal regions of some quarters produce a calm environment. The experience demonstrates that the increase of the source noise depended of where and how the buildings were constructions, in resume, the permeability of the urban space. These aspects are discussed in terms of the importance of protection the noise sensible activities as buildings, hospitals and schools of the urban dynamics activities, especially the noises generated by traffic vehicles. The objective this research is to define the behavior of the noise propagated in the ways of traffic the urban aspects also collaborated to the improvement a better planning and drawing of the cities related to the minimizing noise problems.


urban design environment noise ruído urbano desenho urbano são paulo (sp)

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