Dinâmica e fatores-chave de mortalidade da broca do café (Hypothenemus hampei) / Dynamics and key factors of mortality of the coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei)




The coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) is a pest of coffee and is present in almost all countries producing the crop causing losses of US$ 500 million a year. Despite its importance, nothing is known about her key factor and critical stage of mortality. Therefor, the objective of this study was to determine the critical stage and the key factors of mortality of H. hampei. Data for the making of the life table were collected during five seasons between the months of December 2007 to March 2009 in six coffee plantations between Paula Cândido and Viçosa, MG. The mortalit data of H. hampei were collected weekly and grouped by season and stand, a total of 33 life tables. These 33 life tables were added and taken to mean data which led to an average life table, where the overall mortality was 70.81%. Among the stages of the life cycle of H. hampei, the highest mortality occurred in eggs (29.43%), followed by mortality of third instar larvae (22.22%), second instar larva (18.60%), pupa (18.11%), larva First instar (13.22%) and adults (8.06%) respectively. Mortality factors observed and quantified in this study were parasitism by the wasp-of-uganda Prorops nasuta (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae), predation by predatory bugs of the family Anthocoridae and ants, physiological disorders of eggs (not feasible) larvae and pupae (incomplete ecdysis) and fungal infection by Beauveria bassiana and Metharizium anisopliae. Among these factors, which caused the highest mortality were predation and physiological disorders. The critical mortality level of H. hampei was in larval and the instar critical is the third instar. The key factor of mortality was physiological disorders in larvae (especially in the third instar), followed by mortality due to predation in this stadium.


manejo cultutal fitotecnia coffee berry borer cafeeiro life table coffee broca-do-café management cultutal tabela de vida

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