Dinâmica de uso das terras nos municípios de Bonito, Jardim e Bodoquena (MS) e o estado e conservação dos recursos biológicos do Parque Nacional da Serra da Bodoquena e de sua zona de amortecimento / Spatial and temporal dynamics of land use in Bonito, Jardim and Bodoquena (MS) Municipalities, and the conservation state of the biological resources in the Serra da Bodoquena National Park buffer zone




The research approached the process of use and occupation of lands in the cities of Bonito, Bodoquena and Jardim, situated in the edge east of the National Park of the Serra da Bodoquena (NPSB), southwestern region of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Moreover, the conservation state was studied, in terms of structure and configuration of the landscape, of the contained remainders of cerrado and forest in the interior of the NPSB and its buffer zone. The objective was to analyze the dynamics of occupation of lands in the cities mentioned in last the 18 years, with sights to subsidizing strategies of planning of the use and ideal occupation for the region. Also, it was objectified to analyze the space-temporal dynamics of the landscape that composes the PNSB and its buffer zone, aiming at to the conservation of local biodiversity. For this, geographic information system (GIS) for the classification of images of satellite and elaboration of thematic maps was used. The determination of the NPSB conservation degree and its buffer zone occurred by means of the use and of metrics of landscape ecology and the adoption of Graph Theory. Chapter 1 demonstrated, by the maps generated for the cities of Bonito, Bodoquena and Jardim, of the years of 1986 and 2004, that it occurred a loss of native area and a consequent growth of the composed matrix for pastures (mainly) and agriculture. Only in Bodoquena the vegetal remainders had percentual had been bigger than the areas of pastures and agriculture. It can be observed that the studied region passes for a process of conversion of natural habitats, long ago continuous, for a composed landscape for patches of cerrado and forests in a matrix predominantly represented by planted pasture and agriculture. Chapter 2 showed that the forest and cerrado physiognomy, had been presented in better conservation in 1986 that in 2004. Moreover, it was possible to observe that the remainders of the vegetal formations above cited, had been presented in better conservation in the interior of the NPSB, that in its buffer zone. The map of relevance of the remainders of forest, considering the agreed area and shape notes metric of the spots, had indicated which the priority areas to be protecting, for possessing characteristics adjusted for the persistence of present forest biodiversity in the NPSB and its buffer zone. The north sector had detached for presenting remainders with high and extremely high values to the relevance. The same north sector posses a bigger number of points of sensitivity to the break of connectivity between the forest spots. In this region it can be observed that most of the points with high sensitivity deserves some strategy that delays or stop the conversion process of the forest for pasture or agriculture. Regard the standard of spelling of the vegetal remainders, had been concluded that: the remainders of cerrado and forest, in the interval of eighteen years, had been lesser, more irregular, more distant and more numerous, indicating a worsening in the state of conservation of the landscape between 1986 and 2004. This compromises the maintenance of biodiversity, the species persistence, diminishing its viable minimum populations. The diversification of the forms of use of lands in the matrix is recommended, with the introduction of forestry (mainly composed for native species), for example, also it will be able to assist in the maintenance/sprouting of the space heterogeneity and the structural complexity of the landscape. The Graph Theory, evaluated in this work, was presented as efficient tool to calculate the connectivity in heterogeneous landscapes.


dinâmica temporal serra da bodoquena national park land use ecologia de paisagens parque nacional da serra da bodoquena temporal dynamics zona de amortecimento lanscape ecology landscape metrics métricas da paisagem spatial dynamics dinâmica espacial buffer zone uso das terras

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