Dificuldades de aprendizagem: o estado de corrigibilidade na escola para todos




The present dissertation, Learning Difficulties the correctibility state in the school for all, has both analyzed and problematized the discourses which, intertwined, produce conditions for the invention and permanence of subjects seen as having learning difficulties in the inclusive school. The post-structuralist perspective and some contributions of Michel Foucaults thoughts have allowed for the articulation of discourses about the non-learning which enable the emergence of the norm that situates school subjects as learners and non-learners in power relations. Such discourses are present in the corpus of this research, composed of records of 317 students referred to Serviço Interdisciplinar de Atendimento e Pesquisa em Educação e Aprendizagem (SIAPEA) in a twelve-year period, that is, from 1993 to 2004. Among all the documents considered, such as trainees reports, interviews, medical referrals, recommendations from Conselho Tutelar and Serviços Especiais, photographs of activities carried out in the schools and in SIAPEA, and experts evaluations, I have chosen the latter for my investigation (considering as experts the professionals of the areas of education, medicine, health, law, family, all the ones who develop knowledge about the subject with learning difficulties). Considering the assumptions of the foucauldian discourse analysis, I have used the concepts of discourse and correctibility as analytical tools in handling the material. Besides that, I have taken notions such as norm, mean, power, risk, among others. I have approached the way these conditions, associated with a number of socializing initiatives, allow for the appearance of the need for the school and, inside it, the emergence of both the mean and those considered as being out of this mean. In an attempt to understand the school norm as instituting a normalizing zone, I have realized that the school mean enables the emergence of the individual to be corrected, who presents with a permanent correctibility character. The recurrence of this correction has enabled the creation of the notion of permanent correctibility state of the subject situated below the mean in the normality zone. The perception of the existence of such a condition has prompted the analysis of the production of pedagogical support services as a condition to maintain the normalization place of school and guarantee a viable economic project in times of economic and cultural globalization, of school for all. I have also problematized the non-permanence of the learning subject in school as a social risk, by understanding that the social, historical and governmental project of school for all has, in the invention of the permanent state of correctibility, one of its guarantees, thus creating devices to survey and control subjects and education institutions


normalization discourse educacao corrigibilidade correction normalização learning difficulties discurso dificuldades de aprendizagem

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