Diferenciação ou alienação? O engodo da loucura. Uma leitura da transmissão psíquica entre gerações no caso Schreber




The present study deals with the context of the psychic transmission between generations, in the scope of the psychoanalysis, approached to the psychosis as for the classic Schreber case. We bring the root of the subject in Freud worked with the notion of totem and taboo as transmitted contents of generation in generation, of narcissism related to one of the bases of what it comes to constitute the subject, group formation as reference to the family and of the ego ideal in parallel with the familiar ideal. In current authors, the narcisist contract concept carried through between each new member and its family serves footing for transmission of the familiar myth. This in turn, if of inflexible nature, promotes the phenomenon of the telescoping of the generations where the time and the space between the generations remain indistinguisheds. In this direction, by means of counting of the history of Schreber in association to its delirious system, we observe as the death and the sexuality reveals as frozen taboo-objects, inside of a familiar system conducted by a rigid familiar myth that takes the place of the ego ideal for its members. The telescoping of the generations can be observed in the alienator identification the one that the members meet subjects. To Schreber seems to have remained madness as possibility of resolution of a conflict that in its essence finds the ambiguity between differentiate or alienate himself of the familiar identity. If the entrance in madness could give to Schreber the possibility of his differentiation, if it transforms into a true decoy for, in the truth, to imprison him in the alienation.


família psicanálise psicose transmissão psíquica entre gerações psicologia psychosis psychic transmission between generations family psychoanalysis

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