Diferenças Básicas entre Líderes e Gerentes / Basic Differences between Leaders and Managers




There are some vital differences between leaders and managers. It becomes crucial to distinguish those two different behaviors. In accordance to some authors like Bennis, Gardner, Hickman and Kotter for example it is important to have in mind that: The word Manager usually indicates that the individual so labeled holds a directive post in an organization, presiding over the processes by which the organization functions, allocating resources prudently and making the best possible use of people. Managers in general are concerned about how things get done This process produce consistency and order to keep the organization on time and on budget. Leader is used to indicate someone that uses processes of persuasion because he is concerned with what the things mean to people. Leaders are oriented toward innovation challenging the status quo and inspiring trust. He is able to intensify employees' commitment and enthusiasm. These process means aligning people to new directions and inspiring them to make it happen. So leading and managing are distinct processes - maybe mutually exclusive. A person can be a leader without being manager or can manage without lead. The project of research is going to find out these differences using a special instrument. It is important to place each one at the right place where they can better use their strengths of theirs personal styles. This research tries to demonstrate that leaders and managers can harmonize their different behavioral orientation when working together. This enables the organizations benefit from the strengths they have.


liderança administrador processos persuasão seguidores habilidades simbólico cultura e motivação eficácia

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