Grupo Balint: o recomeço para os líderes / Balint Group: the new beginning for leaders




This Doctoral Thesis explores the relationships that are established in organized working spaces between professionals in charge of leading and the workers in their teams. The problem addressed here is the violence that may arise in the relationships between leaders and their led ones, or else, a discussion on how difficult it is for the leaders to manage relationships with their subordinates so as to serve as mediators between the organizations and the workersdemands, without turning to violence. The objective is to establish the basis for a group model that will contribute to reduce the presence of violence in these relationships and to set up principles for human relations based on humanist ethics. The proposal therefore aims at contributing to the foundation of conditions necessary to the investigation and adjustment of the asymmetric human relations that are typical of labor in organizational spaces. This subject is of interest since the debate proposed previously in our Masters Dissertation, in which were investigated the difficulties in handling group processes within organizational scenarios. At the time were analyzed resistances occurring in power structures present in work organizations which involved their commanding authorities and which occurred while feeling threatened by the movement that encouraged the workersautonomy. Reviewing the literature available on the subject involves discussing issues that address the matter of applying psychology and psychoanalysis within organizational spaces and the issue of psychological violence at work. The method involves theoretical field research on group processes of psychoanalytical foundation applicable in labor relationship, in order to make available a group model option that could allow professionals to elaborate issues related to the anxiety and angst associated to act of leading. Thus we opted for the Balint group model, proposing to prepare leaders to establish a "space of discussion" within their teams. This communication channel would be an essential tool to allow the employees to take over their positions as respected professionals. Consequently were pursued the theoretical field research 11 proposed by this psychoanalyst with the intention of enabling the researcher to establish the foundations of a Balint group model to be applied to the team leaders. This choice implies the need to promote discussions about the analytical categories that should be applicable. This setting was applied in several group processes that included leading professionals. The method is complemented by expecting to validate the chosen option. In that sense, the issues verified in those groups are analyzed based on the discussed theoretical field, as well as on the analytical categories. The researchs conclusion is that this proposal is adequate to reaching the objectives above mentioned and may potentially contribute to an investigation and adjustment of the asymmetric relations existing within organized working spaces.


leadership relações de trabalho na administração violência liderança balint groups humanismo violence humanism grupos balint labor management relations

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