Development of ultrasonic waveguide for monitoring dental implant osseointegration / Desenvolvimento de guia de ondas ultra-sônicas para monitorar a osseointegração de implantes dentários




Available equipments for clinical assessment of dental implants monitor changes in stiffness but are not able to quantify the osseointegration level. Literature shows that the application of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound stimulates the healing of bone fractures and the bone ingrowth into implants pores, indicating that an ultrasonic waveguide could be used to monitor the osseointegration process as well as to shorten the healing period. Several dimensions and geometries were considered in the waveguides simulations, and the step-shaped waveguide showed more sensibility to changes in the surrounding media of the implant. Results obtained by simulation suggest there is a linear relation between the energy of the detected signal and the osseointegration level. Experiments with titanium and aluminum waveguides were conducted, being necessary to carry out more studies with reduced size waveguides in order to obtain a suitable device for clinical use.


osseointegration dental implants osseointegração ultrasound ultra-som guia de onda ultra-sônico ultrasonic waveguide implantes dentários

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