Development of strongly modulated pulses for quantum information processing via Nuclear Magnetic Resonance / Utilização de pulsos de radiofrequência fortemente modulados no processamento de informação quântica via ressonância magnética nuclear




This dissertation presents the development and use of radiofrequency pulses simultaneously modulated in frequency, amplitude and phase (Strongly Modulated Pulses, SMP) for creating initial states and executing logical operations used as building blocks for Quantum Information Processing via Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR-QIP). The experimental implementations were carried out in a 3 qubits system accomplished by Cesium 133 nuclei (nuclear spin 7/2) in a nematic liquid crystal. The SMP pulses were theoretically constructed using a home made computer program, which is based in the Simplex Nelder-Mead optimization procedure. Using this program, the SMP were optimized to the desired quantum logical operation with shorter durations than those achieved with conventional sequence of pulses and free evolutions as used in most NMR applications. This has the advantage of reducing decoherence effects that may appear as a results of the system relaxation. The main theoretical concepts are discussed together with the main experimental difficulties found in the SMP optimizations and executions. As application examples, the pseudo-pure state used as input for NMR-QIP and a 3 qubit logical gate were obtained. Besides, using the SMPs, the Grover and Deutsch-Jozsa quantum algorithms were experimentally executed. The experimental performance of the implementations was evaluated by a fidelity parameter calculated from the output density matrix, which were obtained using a quantum state tomography method previously developed.


modulação de pulsos em rmn nmr pulse modulation informação quântica quantum information quantum algorithm algoritmo quântico

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