Development and application of low trans fat in margarine and plain cake. / Desenvolvimento e aplicação de gorduras low trans em margarina e bolo tipo ingles.




Trans fatty acids (TFA) present in diet come mainly from the partially hydrogenated fats and a lower amount from the refined oils, meat and ruminant animals? milk. Some studies show that TFA consumption leads to an increase in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) as much as that caused by saturated fatty acids and decrease in high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Hence, this study aimed to produce and evaluate chemically interesterified fats based on binary blends containing cottonseed and soybean oils with fully hydrogenated palm oil (FHPO). Mixtures with different contents of these raw materials were evaluated before and after chemical reaction, regarding to their physical-chemical properties, microscopic characteristics and tendency to crystallization. Fractions of cottonseed/FHPO and soybean/FHPO were tested in laboratory and reproduced in pilot scale until desodorization for food application. The solid fat content, triacylglycerol composition, melting and crystallization behaviors and instrumental consistency were the parameters studied for selecting fractions for application. The cottonseed/FHPO fat (65/35 w/w) was used in plain cake and the soybean/FHPO fat (65/35 w/w) in table margarine (80% lipids). Low trans products were compared to the ones with partially hydrogenated fat. Margarines showed better properties for cake preparation since they were suitable shortenings. Rheological properties and sensory evaluation of the cakes were also compared and allowed to consider that the product consistency, volume and flavor of the cakes made with low trans fats were the attributes less appreciated by consumers. The replacement of partially hydrogenated fat by low trans fats led to achieve significant different products (p£ 0,05), but did not ensure the same quality established by consumers. Changes in formulation, in process conditions and the use of specific additives are necessary to attend the market demand and its new requirements.


propriedades reologicas propriedades sensoriais cake margarine rheological properties bolo sensory properties interesterificação quimica chemical interesterification margarina

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