Determinantes geopol?ticos e diplom?ticos das rela??es comerciais entre Brasil e ?frica (1964-2007)




The formulation and improvement of Brazilian foreign politics requires the development of a world regionalization from a perspective of national Brazilian interests. Thus, we attempt to determine the correlation between the Brazilian geopolitical thinking inherited from the military period and the volume / nature of the economic flows between Brazil and Africa, especially regarding the behavior of Brazilian foreign trade with African countries. In practice, there is the emergence of trade relations with countries located in an arc outside the more traditional Atlantic, although it still appears in broad focus. This new regionalization of trade Brazil ? Africa, especially for goods of higher technological content, you still need to show some survival guide for new long-term diplomatic actions.


?frica south atlantic geopolitics brazil tropical africa geografia atl?ntico sul brasil tropicalidade geopol?tica

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