Determinantes do score de crédito e tempo até inadimplência para empréstimos comerciais a pessoas físicas / Determinative of credit scoring and time till defalut for commercial loans for natural person




Basel II allows banks to develop risk classification techniques which incorporate experiences from their credit bureaus, granting wider security to the financial system. The aim of this work is the development of a statistical model of risk classification. This credit scoring model is based on information about past credit experience, such as payment habit and profile, and the behavioral variables of credit consumers. In addition, Survival Analysis, which attempts to estimate the time until a contracts default occurs, will be used. The analysis starts with the definition of credit quality (good or bad) and the time until default for the contracts studied and is followed by the exploration of which variables are unconditionally related to default. Variables were selected for inclusion in the logistic regression (for the credit scoring model) and Cox Proportional Hazards Model (for the Survival Analysis model) based on their statistical significance in explaining default and time to default, respectively. The results demonstrate that it is possible to identify the time to default and the probability of default for customers who intend to contract credit, hence the models are shown to be important tools for the credit decision policies of financial companies.


economia regressão logística análise de sobrevivência modelo de riscos proporcionais de cox credit scoring logistic regression survival analysis cox proportional hazard model

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