Determinação serica de marcadores de fibrose hepatica em portadores de esquistossomose mansoni : avaliação de colageno tipo IV e laminina




The aim of this study was to evaluate liver fibrosis in schistosomiasis mansoni, measunng serum levels of type IV collagen and laminin, components of the basal membrane. Eighty-two individuals were studied, 64 of them presenting schistosomiasis and 18 as normal controls. In schistosomiasis, 18 patients the presented intestinal form, 17 hepatointestinal, 12 compensated hepatosplenic and 17 uncompensated hepatosplenic form. All patients carried out liver function tests, hepatitis B and hepatitis C serum markers, endoscopy and ultrasonography. The ultrasonography method was performed according to the World Health Organization protocol. Type IV collagen and laminin serum concentrations were determined by a sandwich enzyme immunoassay, using panassay IV C and hLM kits respectively, with two monoclonal antibodies. The mean serum type IV collagen in schistosomiasis patients was 92.34+/-54.37ng/ml, being high in all clinical forms. There was a significant increase in hepatointestinal and uncompensated hepatosplenic forms, compared to controls (p<0.05). The mean serum laminin was 367.30+/-112.64ng/ml again being high in all clinical forms. A significant increase in hepatointestinal, compensated and uncompensated hepatosplenic forms compared to controls took place (p<0.05). A significant difference was obseryed in type IV collagen as well as in laminin values when intestinal and uncompensated hepatosplenic forms were compared (p<0.05). There was no difference in type IV collagen and laminin serum levels between splenectomized and non - splenectomized patients in uncompensated hepatosplenic form (p>0.05). No correlation was found between type IV collagen and laminin levels and the periportal thickness, assessed by ultrasonography (p>0.05). These results show that there is an increase in the production of type IV collagen and laminin in schistosomiasis, during the initial stages of this liver disease. These findings indicate that perisinusoidal fibrosis as well as sinusoidal capilarization may occur in early illness, and also suggest that the high levels of type IV collagen and laminin are related to liver alterations without any interference from the spleen


figado - doenças esquistossomose matriz extracelular

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