Determinação das condições de atividade otima, da estabilidade termica e da cinetica da hidrolise enzimatica de bromelina presente na casca e no talo do abacaxi (Ananas comosus L. Merril) variedade perola / Determination of optimum activity conditions, thermal stability and kinetic enzimatic hydrolises of bromelain in fruit peel and stem from pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merril) variety perola




The bromelain, enzyme found in pineapple, hydrolyses peptide protein bonds; there is application in several areas involving food, medicine and animal nutrition. In pineapple the bromelain is present in the flesh, skin and core of the fruit. Aiming to evaluate the bromelain present in Brazilian fruit Ananas comosus L. Merril, pérola type, focusing its use from industrialization residues recovering, it was searched, comparing with pure bromelain, pH conditions and temperature for higher activity, thermal stability along the time under several temperatures and the kinetics of its catalytic activity, using casein as a substrate. The extract was obtained crushing the skin and core of the fruit and the hydrolysis reaction, with controlled pH, done in a 75 mL net volume reactor under constant stirring. After reaction a sample was taken, added to a tube with tri chloroacetic acid and centrifuged, analyzing the supernatant absorbance. Activity and kinetics were expressed as mmol of tyrosine / L.min from absorbance at 280 nm of aromatic amino acids generated by casein hydrolysis. Three enzyme / substrate ratio were employed (weight basis):1 / 25, 1 / 50 and 1 / 125 for star type experimental design assays with central point at 7.0 for pH and at 35 °C for temperature, the results were processed giving the model equation and surface responses, the equations were mathematically treated giving graphics of best activity as a function of temperature; the experimental design results showed similarity between bromelain from fruit residues and pure bromelain taken as reference. The assays for thermal stability were carried out by activity determination for 1 / 25 ratio under temperatures varying from 25 °C and 62 °C during 180 minutes for two pH ranges: that for best activity defined from experimental design (5.5 to 6.5) and between 3.3 to 3.5; the results were treated by the analysis of the graphics of activity as a function of time showing that the order one model is adequate to describe the enzyme thermal inactivation and that it is stronger at pH range of 3.3 to 3.5 with values of frequency factor k0 (minute-1) 2.5 x1032 times bigger for the extract.The assays to determine the kinetics of bromelain catalytic activity on casein were carried out at constant temperature of 35 °C and pH of maximum activity defined by experimental design for each one of the three studied enzyme / substrate ratio; curves were built for the concentration of formed amino acids along the time (from zero to 15 minutes) and the results treated calculating the curves derivative at time zero (initial rate); the Michaelis - Menten model showed to be adequate to describe the casein hydrolysis mechanism of casein by bromelain and the results indicate that the maximum reaction rate (Vmax) values and the Michaelis constant (Km) values are bigger for the fruit residues extract than that for pure bromelain


biotecnologia extração liquido-liquido proteinas - purificação enzimas biotechnology liquid liquid extraction protein purification enzymes

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