Determinação da concentração de elementos químicos potencialmente tóxicos em aerossóis presentes no interior de uma pequena indústria de fundição de metais, utilizando amostrador temporal e a técnica de fluorescência de raios X / Toxic inorganic elements content in suspended particulate matter inside a small foundry plant by streaker sampler and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence technique




The aim of this work was to evaluate the chemical concentration of some potentially toxic inorganic chemical elements and the time profiles in fine (PM2.5, particles up to 2.5 m) and coarse (PM2.5-10, particles from 2.5 to 10 m) suspended particulate matter (SPM) inside a small foundry plant - bronze, iron and aluminium -, in which at high concentrations turns a healthy concern. For these purpose, a rotating streaker airparticulate sampler for sampling during all day foundry activity was utilized. Fine SPM was collected on a filter and coarse SPM in turn by an impactor. The collected samples were analyzed by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) technique employing a Mo target tube in the excitation, and the detection was carried out through Si(Li) semiconductor detector coupled to multichannel analyser, deconvolutting the X-ray spectra with AXIL software help. It was also carried out particulated morphological analysis by scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer coupled (SEM/EDS). In this manner, the inorganic chemicals content were determined in the small foundry allowing concluding that the moulding step is the critical one taking into account the amount of pollutant released. During bronze and iron melting, the Cr, Mn, Ni and Pb contents in SPM were higher than allowed values by Brazilian and United States legislations. It was also verified a high Zn and Cu content, mainly in the fine suspended particulate matter, although these elements are not contemplated by national nor international laws. Thus, due to this unhealthy environmental working conditions inside the small foundry plant,a proper individual protection equipment is mandatory mainly for fine suspended particulate matter, and a constant air pollutant monitoring in foundry plants is demanded, mainly during the moulding step


fundição de metais metals foundry poluição ambiental environmental pollution material particulado em suspensão streaker sampler edxrf energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence worker health fluorescência de raios x por dispersão de energia edxrf suspended particulate matter amostrador rotativo saúde do trabalhador

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