Detecção de colisão utilizando grids e octrees esféricas para ambientes gráficos interativos




Interactive graphical environments are becoming more present in our lives. Despite of the technological advances in the computing area for the development of these environments, there are still many challenges to overcome in order to simulate the world where we live in a realistic way. The collision detection treatment among 3D objects is a typical example. It still corresponds to one of the bottlenecks of the interactive graphical environments, whose control is basic for the production of convincing simulated results. This work presents some efficient collision detection methods (broad and narrow phases, using grids and spherical octrees, respectively), for the development of interactive graphical environments. A significative number of experiments was carried out, in which we varied the number of objects in the scenario, the geometry, the dimensions and the degree of complexity of the objects, as well as the level of detail of them. The obtained results, evaluated by means of subjective and usability metrics, show that the implemented detection methods achieve high performance and precision during the collision tests. Consequently, this guarantees the responsiveness success of the interactive graphical environment, as well as its robustness for a considerable number of complex and dynamic objects (200) represented simultaneously.


programaÇÃo orientada ao objeto - dissertaÇÕes sistemas de informacao computaÇÃo grÁfica - dissertaÇÕes

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