Deste corpo que dança : o significado da dança para o individuo portadoer de lesão medular




The aim of this study is trying to understand the significance of dancing for individuals with medullar injury who are dancing. We approached the two referred universes, discussing the individuals and the characteristics of the injury; the transformations they suffered through dancing and their dancing bodies, as well as some aspects of the educational and artistic action of dancing we developed with these individuais. A qualitative study was carried out, under the perspective of a phenomenological approach, using the Situated Phenomenon Structure Analysis. The phenomenon was discussed based on the discourses obtained through individual interviews. The following question was being asked: "What does it mean to you, to be dancing?". The ideographic and nomotetic analysis converged into the discussion about the transformations occurred in their being, and in their relationship with what surrounds them. Therefore, we the discussion of the results was divided into: The unveiling of the body, Between bodies, and Opening the curtains


dança fenomenologia deficientes fisicos

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