Desenvolvimento de aplicações hipermídia para gerenciamento de documentos multimídia e preservação de acervos digitais: um estudo de caso no Cecor




The advent of digitization has transformed the meaning of acquirement, control, deliver and use of information resources in society. Individuals, institutions and communities are able to publish and disseminate information about their cultural heritage and create their own digital libraries, which increases the potential for diversity, plurality of voices and empowerment of these communities. These systems allow people to create, note, link and share information of several media, like text, graphics, audio, video, animation and programs. However, most people tend to think that (unlike analog information) digital information will last forever, yet fail to realize the fragility of digital works. This work presents a methodological approach to hypermedia information system development to manage multimedia collections. This work also focuses the digital preservation problem. A digitalization workflow is studied to determine parameters to generate high quality digital documents and minimize the redigitalization costs.


multimídia teses documentos eletronicos teses bibliotecas digitais teses

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